Lancom LCOS 10.72.0770RU9 VOIP - Bug

Forum zu LANCOM Systems VoIP Router/Gateways und zur LANCOM VoIP Option

Moderator: Lancom-Systems Moderatoren

Beiträge: 626
Registriert: 15 Feb 2018, 20:23

Lancom LCOS 10.72.0770RU9 VOIP - Bug

Beitrag von plumpsack »

31.07.2024 zurück auf 10.72.0696RU8 / 15.05.2024 !!!

2024-07-31 17:38:26 KERN Notice Running firmware version is 10.72.0696RU8 / 15.05.2024


2024-07-31 16:29:49 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-31 16:29:34 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-31 13:20:32 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-31 13:20:17 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'un-registered'

2024-07-31 11:32:16 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-31 11:32:01 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-31 06:34:59 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-31 06:34:44 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-31 01:37:43 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-31 01:37:27 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-30 05:40:56 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-30 05:40:41 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-29 23:22:38 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-29 23:22:23 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-29 23:22:38 AUTHPRIV Notice [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'registered'
2024-07-29 23:22:23 LOCAL0 Error [VCM] SIP-Line LEITUNG_01 switched to status 'authentication failure'

2024-07-29 16:35:05
2024-07-29 16:35:05 KERN Notice Running firmware version is 10.72.0770RU9 / 22.07.2024

Geht das wieder los?